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The security behind: pacemakers

12/04/2023 Podcast


Felix, delves into the security implications surrounding pacemakers, implantable medical devices (IMD) that regulate and manage heart rhythms. He introduces the concept of pacemakers, describing how they are placed under the skin near the chest with probes connecting to the heart to sense and control heart rhythms, explaining the differences between low voltage and high voltage pacemakers, as well as the distinction between pacing dependent and pacing assisted patients.

The episode explores various aspects of pacemaker technology, highlighting the key functions they perform, such as running the operating system, pacing the heart, diagnostics, and update handling. The discussion also touches on the challenges of ensuring security in pacemakers, including potential hacking risks, unauthorized access to patient data, and implications for patient privacy. Felix emphasizes that he is not a medical professional and this discussion focuses on the security aspect of pacemakers.

The communication protocols used by pacemakers, including Medical Implant Communication Service (MICS), Med Radio, and Medical Body Area Network (MBAN), are explained. Data transmitted from the pacemakers to cloud services for medical monitoring and configuration changes is detailed, including various communication methods, such as Wi-Fi, telephone lines, and more.

The vulnerability of pacemakers to hacking and the potential motivations behind such attacks are examined. Risks range from causing harm to threatening and coercing patients to privacy invasion or even cyber terrorism. The episode underscores the significance of pacemaker firmware updates, outlining the process of updating pacemaker software and its potential implications for patient safety. Historical incidents involving pacemaker vulnerabilities and recalls due to cybersecurity concerns, as well as legal and regulatory aspects, are also mentioned.

Felix discusses potential vulnerabilities in the pacemaker ecosystem, from the RF protocols used for communication to potential risks related to cloud applications and data sovereignty. He acknowledges that while security concerns exist, the life-saving benefits of pacemakers far outweigh the risks. The host concludes by highlighting the importance of pacemaker patching, despite the slow process, and encourages listeners to share the podcast and engage in discussions around IoT security.

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