OpenVZ Farm Management Database
11/02/2013 Article
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A client wants me to migrate a reasonably large hosting platform. Therefore, I am writing a little database and set of bash scripts in order to mitigate the hosting platform. The first thing that was incredibly apparent is that I wasn’t given much info on the existing state of affairs. This is because there was no info on the state of affairs.
Ultimately I can’t migrate what I don’t know about so first up, audit time!
The tools I have written have proved very popular and useful with management. In fact, they are so happy that they are going to form an ongoing part of the monitoring and management of the new environment too. Those same tools are available to download from this blog.
Though I must mention that they are providing it without warranty or certification. They may or may not be fit for purpose, they may or may not cause you problems. What I am trying to say is use at your own risk etc. As far as I am concerned, I am giving you ideas, not directly providing you tools.
So, the environment is in truth a bit odd. The old stuff is kinda all over the place – the details of which are not important. It’s mostly VPS’s and these live on the OpenVZ hypervisor. Which isn’t really a hypervisor but that is a discussion for another time. These VZ Hosts are on physical bits of kit across lots of racks and various SANs etc.
To make these scripts work, you need a linux box that can handle bash scripting with MySQL and Apache installed. You will also need an SSH key pair (I recommend at least 4096 bit key lengths). Also a list of the primary IP addresses for the host boxes you want to audit.
In the download there is a copy of my MySQL schema and the four bash scripts I have written so far, which are:
To set this up, all you need to do is import the
Remember – no warranties or support!
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